SmartStrand carpets are trending for stair runners

SmartStrand carpets are trending for stair runners

It’s no surprise that SmartStrand carpet flooring is trending with homeowners who want a fantastic stair runner in any space. These products offer exceptional characteristics that give the performance you want and need.

If you’re new to this product line, the facts you learn could give you a new favorite flooring brand, especially if your home is active and busy. Consider these facts as you plan your upcoming remodel.

SmartStrand carpet is durable

Have you ever felt that sinking feeling when you drop something on carpet flooring? If so, you understand why SmartStrand carpeting options are so popular with homeowners who need added protection.

You'll enjoy much more peace of mind with these floors because they offer built-in stain protection that lasts as long as the carpets are in place. They're also easier to clean, allowing regular or commercial carpet cleaning to lift the stains and debris out of the fibers, leaving no permanent stains.

Enjoy softness and beauty

Many homeowners come to carpeting for the soft underfoot experience, and these floors have plenty of flexibility. You never have to sacrifice beauty for durability when you choose this carpet in San Diego, even for stair runner carpeting.

You'll also have access to extensive visual options, with colors, designs, and styles that meet any existing décor scheme. From minimalistic to bold, you'll enjoy looks that create a fantastic surface wherever they're installed.

Choose your SmartStrand carpet today

As you review your list of preferences and needs, you'll see how easily these floors can help you check off the boxes. Spend some time with our associates today and allow us to help you create the floors of your dreams with SmartStrand carpet flooring, no matter how large or small your remodeling project is.

We have the carpeting you need

America's Best Flooring has an extensive selection of carpeting in our inventory, giving you plenty of options for any home upgrade. Share your preferences and requirements with our staff, and we'll help match you with products and services that bring the most successful results.

Stop by our showroom in San Diego, CA, whenever you're in the area to learn more about what this product line can do for you and your household. We provide SmartStrand carpets to San Diego, La Jolla, Carlsbad, Chula Vista, and Poway, CA, and we look forward to catering to you as well.