Luxury Vinyl in San Diego, CA from America's Best Flooring

Five FAQs about luxury vinyl flooring

Luxury vinyl flooring is a fantastic product that meets a variety of requirements. It's beautiful, durable, and provides a reasonable lifespan as well. 

The more you know about any potential floor covering, the better you are. So, take the time to learn more about this one for your best results.

Inquiring minds want to know

Are luxury vinyl floors durable?

Luxury vinyl flooring offers layers of durability. They resist stains, scratches, and dents and provide complete waterproof protection.

Can I get a wood look with these materials?

Vinyl plank flooring
is an excellent choice if you need your floors to look like natural wood. You'll find grain patterns and textures that mimic the authentic materials.

Can I install luxury vinyl flooring myself?

We recommend only a professional installation with any floor covering. It can help protect your warranty and ensure your floors perform as they should.

How do I care for my luxury vinyl floors?

Sweep up debris daily or as necessary and follow with a damp mop. Use only non-abrasive cleaners and never use a steam cleaner on luxury vinyl flooring.

How can I find specific answers for my flooring?

If you can't find the answers you're looking for, visit us in person. Speaking to an associate about specifics is easier to get the answers you need.

Visit us for vinyl flooring in San Diego, CA

Visit us at America's Best Flooring if you need vinyl flooring in San Diego, CA. Our experienced associates are happy to work alongside you for successful results.

We cater to residents of San Diego, La Jolla, Carlsbad, Chula Vista, and Poway, CA. And we'd love to work with you on your flooring project.

Visit our San Diego, CA showroom today to upgrade to luxury vinyl flooring. We look forward to helping you create the floors of your dreams in every room in your home.